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Found 7 stories for 还
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confucius say: may who no walk is still
by ProfessorChicken

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I can not walk away....there's still something.
by shirsendunarayanroy

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Don't walk - stay still
by Casper07x

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If you no walk you are still.
by chanchan

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I will stand still that way I do not need to walk.
by Umi

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No, I will not stay still, for I have the urge to walk.
by Ishimaru-san

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stand still and straighten up for bae
by tt101

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Don't walk - stay still
by Casper07x

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If you no walk you are still.
by chanchan

AQ Flag User Thumbnail

confucius say: may who no walk is still
by ProfessorChicken

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I can not walk away....there's still something.
by shirsendunarayanroy

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I will stand still that way I do not need to walk.
by Umi

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No, I will not stay still, for I have the urge to walk.
by Ishimaru-san

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stand still and straighten up for bae
by tt101