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Found 3 stories for 還
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Charlie WALKs up the ICEy mountain, EYEs & MOUTH wide with wonder at its [heigh]t. Doesn't know [who an]y past climbers are or if they <still> RETURN.
by vms5q

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Why is that suspicious person still walking 'round here? (And to remember 'round': the suspicious person has one eye, a wide mouth and too many legs.)
by Sanne-san

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I walked past to say hái but she just stood still with a gaze of terror on her face. N.B. 睘 is a variant of 瞏 meaning 'gaze of terror'.
by Casper07x

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Charlie WALKs up the ICEy mountain, EYEs & MOUTH wide with wonder at its [heigh]t. Doesn't know [who an]y past climbers are or if they <still> RETURN.
by vms5q

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Why is that suspicious person still walking 'round here? (And to remember 'round': the suspicious person has one eye, a wide mouth and too many legs.)
by Sanne-san

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I walked past to say hái but she just stood still with a gaze of terror on her face. N.B. 睘 is a variant of 瞏 meaning 'gaze of terror'.
by Casper07x