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Found 3 stories for 金
PL Flag User Thumbnail

Every king under his roof has 8 types of money
by PZ

User Thumbnail

“Guess how much <money> this ENTIRE bag of [jean]s cost?” Laura asks. "EIGHT dollars!"
by vms5q

US Flag User Thumbnail

Resembles objects that can be made from GOLD, such as arrowheads (人), an axe (王) and two GOLDEN ingots (丷).
by Prismcool

User Thumbnail

“Guess how much <money> this ENTIRE bag of [jean]s cost?” Laura asks. "EIGHT dollars!"
by vms5q

US Flag User Thumbnail

Resembles objects that can be made from GOLD, such as arrowheads (人), an axe (王) and two GOLDEN ingots (丷).
by Prismcool

PL Flag User Thumbnail

Every king under his roof has 8 types of money
by PZ