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steamed bun
Found 1 story for 馒
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"饣 (food) and 曼 (phonetic) 日 (sun), 罒 (eye), 又 (again) Mỗi buổi sáng 日 (sun) ăn bánh bao hấp (馒), món (饣) tinh xảo bằng mắt (罒), tay gắp lia lịa (又)"
by lkhalliera

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"饣 (food) and 曼 (phonetic) 日 (sun), 罒 (eye), 又 (again) Mỗi buổi sáng 日 (sun) ăn bánh bao hấp (馒), món (饣) tinh xảo bằng mắt (罒), tay gắp lia lịa (又)"
by lkhalliera