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Found 9 stories for 鲜
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sheepfish are good eats
by dcloobeck

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the sheep loved fresh fish
by MLCVcelinay

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A man wanted fresh food. Unfortunately the sheep and fish wasn't fresh, he screamed to the heavens in anger and disappointment.
by MLCVOliviaA

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A father said to his son, we go fishing to get fresh fish. The son replied, so that's why we grow our own fresh sheep. Yes, that's exactly right son
by MLCVShiXinTong

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Fish baguettes taste better with fresh sheep
by MLCVsayumip

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Fish and sheep taste better fresh
by dosemobor915

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I want to eat both fish and goat
by Quickthief

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A fish went sheeping and caught a fresh sheep

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When I was fishing in China, I caught onto a huge fish. I reeled it in and it turned out to be a sheep. I ate it for dinner.
by MLCVChloeT

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I want to eat both fish and goat
by Quickthief

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A fish went sheeping and caught a fresh sheep

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When I was fishing in China, I caught onto a huge fish. I reeled it in and it turned out to be a sheep. I ate it for dinner.
by MLCVChloeT

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A man wanted fresh food. Unfortunately the sheep and fish wasn't fresh, he screamed to the heavens in anger and disappointment.
by MLCVOliviaA

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A father said to his son, we go fishing to get fresh fish. The son replied, so that's why we grow our own fresh sheep. Yes, that's exactly right son
by MLCVShiXinTong

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Fish baguettes taste better with fresh sheep
by MLCVsayumip

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the sheep loved fresh fish
by MLCVcelinay

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Fish and sheep taste better fresh
by dosemobor915

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sheepfish are good eats
by dcloobeck