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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 205 – 216 of 1182 stories next page

耶 yeah!

Charlie thinks his EARs, which he got from my dad, are some of the most protruding in TOWN. "<Yeah>, but mine are, too," I say.
by vms5q

誕 birth

After PROLONGed labor Megan <birth>s a baby. Exhauste[d an]d relieved to hear reassuring WORDs from the doctor, she falls asleep.
by vms5q

舍 residence

Anne sticks her TONGUE out at the vile PERSON in <residence>y at the hospital. He only cares about acquiring a spa[ciou]s home and fancy cars.
by vms5q

擇 select

Charlie reaches his HAND into the prize box and <select>[s a] patch to cover his EYE. "My LUCKy day!" he thinks.
by vms5q

選 choose

Does Layla's [shoe en]ter the path alone? No, she <choose>s to WALK the path not by herSELF but ALTOGETHER with the others.
by vms5q

搞 do/make

"<MAKE> all those alterations to the [gow]n by HAND? TALL order. I've got too much work to <DO>," Anne explains to Layla.
by vms5q

幹 do/work

Anne takes a [gan]der at the SCHOLAR <DO>ing yoga this MORNING. "Apparently it makes one <WORK> TEN times more productively," she says.
by vms5q

到 arrive

John feels [dou]r about the dullness of the KNIFE that <arrive>s in the mail, UNTIL he remembers he can sharpen it himself.
by vms5q