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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 169 – 180 of 1182 stories next page

餐 dine

We <dine> on fine FOOD AGAIN this EVENING. Tha[t's an] extravagant expense ON TOP OF everything else!
by vms5q

非 negate

When asked if she met anyone nice, Laura responded, "<NEGATIVE! Even after trying three times in a row at two different bars as you <INSIST>ed!"
by vms5q

育 educate

In their PRIVATE butchery school, John and Megan first <educate> [you] on how to properly put the LID on MEAT so it doesn't spoil.
by vms5q

展 exhibition

Layla and Zack take the dinosaur's CORPSE out from ICY GRASS and <SPREAD> it out for <exhibition>. Hence the dirt smu[dge on] their faces.
by vms5q

厲 severe

"There's a <severe> labor shortage. Our FACTORYs bad[ly] need TEN THOUSAND more skilled workers," John explains.
by vms5q

萬 10,000

In one story Megan makes up about the LEGENDARY MONKEY King, he looks [wan] after scything <TEN THOUSAND> blades of GRASS.
by vms5q

害 harm

"An ABUNDANCE of meteors falling from a great [hei]ght would be very harmful, creating OPENings in our ROOF," said John.
by vms5q

混 mix

"The colonists' DESCENDANTs, [who n]ever cared about the ecosystem, would <mix AND MUDDY> the WATER with pollutants," explained John.
by vms5q

桃 peach

Charlie sees the peach growing on the TREE as a good <OMEN>. Sure enough, soon he's the richest person in [tow]n.
by vms5q