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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 733 – 744 of 1182 stories next page

準 standard

It's <standard> for TEN ducks to swim *down and up* a river, but SPARROWs don't like to swim! Didn'[zhu] know that?
by vms5q

紹 to go on

From my perch on the Great Wall, I [shou]t *down* at passersby, SUMMONing them. They buy my SILK and then <CONTINUE> <to go on> their way.
by vms5q

很 very

Despite the ICE storm, the [Hun]s, NOSEs <very> cold, march a [hun]dred STEPs *down* into the *valley* and *up* out of it again.
by vms5q

高 tall

There are OPENings where people carry stuff *across* the border in their ARMs. To put a LID on it, some want a bi[g ou]tdoor wall ten feet <tall>.
by vms5q

封 envelope

The two <envelope>s each contain some EARTH and spores. Lay the SOIL *flat* and INCH-tall mushrooms grow. It's [fun g]rowing [fung]i!
by vms5q

寓 lodge

Do [you] see the tile-ROOFed <lodge> *down* there? It went *down* in history for belonging to the <LEGENDARY MONKEY>s.
by vms5q

绍 to go on

From my perch on the Great Wall, I [shou]t *down* at passersby, SUMMONing them. They buy my SILK and then <CONTINUE> <to go on> their way.
by vms5q

欠 owe

That PERSON is tou[chy ‘n] temperamental because I <owe> him a KNIFE. Once I return it to him, he’ll calm *down*.
by vms5q

帳 canopy

He looks *down* on using a LONG TOWEL for a <canopy>. He doesn't bu[dge on g]etting what he likes, even if he has almost nothing in his <ACCOUNT>.
by vms5q