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ㄏㄣ ˇ



很 is a 9 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as hěn in the third tone.

It is made up of the components (step) and (limit).

  • ㄏㄣ ˇ



    • ˋ



    • ㄍㄣ ˇ



9 stories have been written about this character — see all
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It's very important at how many steps you can take before reaching your limit.
by Umi

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There is quite the limit for how many steps you can take a day.
by Pineapple

CN Flag User Thumbnail

There is no limit in life keep climbing the steps to become very successful.
by 蝴蝶

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when you reach your limit some people scream and shout and some stomp or step loudly
by tt101

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I have a very , big chewy step.
by Ishimaru-san

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We found 1 pronunciation for 很

Definitions for 很 pronounced as hěn

  • (adverb of degree)
  • quite
  • very
  • awfully


The most common words for 很 — see all

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Collections which contain 很 — see all

HSK1 part 1

by monicadepaul 162 characters

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by Inkyll 34 characters

Genshin Impact Act 1 Vocabulary

by Poluo 748 characters


by Joeyjoefro 68 characters

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