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Found 17 stories for 作
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A person abruptly do something.
by huangying

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"亻 (person) and 乍 (abruptly) Người 亻 đột ngột đổi tay khâu quần áo, nhanh chóng xong công việc 作"
by lkhalliera

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a man does something abruptly
by nbreck

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A person is doing work abruptly
by dosemobor915

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The person does something abruptly.
by dcloobeck

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do your homework.
by cosemobor

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The person does something abruptly
by tshaver64

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A person, ren, abrubtly, zha, does his work.
by tvb17

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When a person does something
by connor0604

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People do things abruptly
by pls18

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If the PERSON <do>es anything ABRUPTLY, Megan'[s wa]tchful eyes will see it.
by vms5q

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the man is walking to work
by pkulesh33

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People do things in a rush, very abruptly
by asala2018

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Sometimes people do things in an abrupt manner.
by ljohnson48

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A person does work abruptly.
by csantry

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don't abruptly let that person ruin my cake!
by RobotPuppyMath

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People do things quickly.
by pscanlan

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"亻 (person) and 乍 (abruptly) Người 亻 đột ngột đổi tay khâu quần áo, nhanh chóng xong công việc 作"
by lkhalliera

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If the PERSON <do>es anything ABRUPTLY, Megan'[s wa]tchful eyes will see it.
by vms5q

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don't abruptly let that person ruin my cake!
by RobotPuppyMath

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A person abruptly do something.
by huangying

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A person does work abruptly.
by csantry

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Sometimes people do things in an abrupt manner.
by ljohnson48

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People do things in a rush, very abruptly
by asala2018

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the man is walking to work
by pkulesh33

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When a person does something
by connor0604

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People do things abruptly
by pls18

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a man does something abruptly
by nbreck

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A person, ren, abrubtly, zha, does his work.
by tvb17

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The person does something abruptly
by tshaver64

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do your homework.
by cosemobor

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The person does something abruptly.
by dcloobeck

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A person is doing work abruptly
by dosemobor915

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People do things quickly.
by pscanlan