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Found 8 stories for 做
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A person stand in front of a ruler tapping lying governor, ruling an old family with ten mouths.
by huangying

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In this incident the person made things happen
by King

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People are the sole cause of incidence.
by cdavis1021

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The person who made the incident happen is making more things happen.
by PurpleWaterBottle

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There are many incidents of studen[ts' wa]llets getting stolen. The person doing (make/do) it has not been caught yet.
by vms5q

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That person made the incident happen!
by RobotPuppyMath

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Do not make an incident define a person.
by cbgreeff0513

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The person is eating another person.
by King-Aragorn

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There are many incidents of studen[ts' wa]llets getting stolen. The person doing (make/do) it has not been caught yet.
by vms5q

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That person made the incident happen!
by RobotPuppyMath

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Do not make an incident define a person.
by cbgreeff0513

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In this incident the person made things happen
by King

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People are the sole cause of incidence.
by cdavis1021

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The person is eating another person.
by King-Aragorn

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A person stand in front of a ruler tapping lying governor, ruling an old family with ten mouths.
by huangying

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The person who made the incident happen is making more things happen.
by PurpleWaterBottle