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Found 11 stories for 偷
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Yu is a person who steals.
by aeforton0614

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The Yu family was in the rivalry between the Fa family. All they did was steal one of our people, our daughter, Mulan.
by PurpleWaterBottle

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That person, Yu, likes to steal.
by nchundley0309

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Mr. Yu likes to steal
by jcschwartz0420

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Laura says, "YU'd have to be LUNAR to cut off a dead PERSON's [toe]s with a KNIFE, GATHERing & <steal>ing them for your own personal monster!"
by vms5q

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steal: người (亻) dùng dao (刂) khoét cửa (月) để vào nhà (亼)
by QLL

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Yu steal with a person
by DarudeSandstrom

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stealing is a bad habit... But I can't seem to quit.
by Yolo360SwagScope_420Blazin

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A person named Yu, had a problem. So they steal other person's property to make them happy.
by BootyClappasaurousReximus

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The Yu family has one person who goes and steals from the temple to help feed the poor.
by rfgatoloai1124

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Mr. Yu likes to steal people.
by ThatOneAsianKid

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Laura says, "YU'd have to be LUNAR to cut off a dead PERSON's [toe]s with a KNIFE, GATHERing & <steal>ing them for your own personal monster!"
by vms5q

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steal: người (亻) dùng dao (刂) khoét cửa (月) để vào nhà (亼)
by QLL

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Yu steal with a person
by DarudeSandstrom

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stealing is a bad habit... But I can't seem to quit.
by Yolo360SwagScope_420Blazin

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A person named Yu, had a problem. So they steal other person's property to make them happy.
by BootyClappasaurousReximus

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Yu is a person who steals.
by aeforton0614

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The Yu family has one person who goes and steals from the temple to help feed the poor.
by rfgatoloai1124

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The Yu family was in the rivalry between the Fa family. All they did was steal one of our people, our daughter, Mulan.
by PurpleWaterBottle

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That person, Yu, likes to steal.
by nchundley0309

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Mr. Yu likes to steal people.
by ThatOneAsianKid

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Mr. Yu likes to steal
by jcschwartz0420