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Found 7 stories for 像
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PeoPLE resemble ELEPHANTS!!!!!!
by BootyClappasaurousReximus

US Flag User Thumbnail

Didn't you see that man whose ears resembled an elephant's.
by KittyL2

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That PERSON <resemble>s an ELEPHANT.
by vms5q

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... And he rode the Elephant majestically into the sunset
by Yolo360SwagScope_420Blazin

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The new IPhone can now resemble anything including a person riding an elephant!
by deviningers

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Wow... rapture must have happened... I'm the only person that doesn't resemble an elephant
by ThatOneAsianKid

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The elephant man did not actually resemble an elephant.
by rollredcat

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That PERSON <resemble>s an ELEPHANT.
by vms5q

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The elephant man did not actually resemble an elephant.
by rollredcat

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... And he rode the Elephant majestically into the sunset
by Yolo360SwagScope_420Blazin

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The new IPhone can now resemble anything including a person riding an elephant!
by deviningers

US Flag User Thumbnail

Didn't you see that man whose ears resembled an elephant's.
by KittyL2

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PeoPLE resemble ELEPHANTS!!!!!!
by BootyClappasaurousReximus

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Wow... rapture must have happened... I'm the only person that doesn't resemble an elephant
by ThatOneAsianKid