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Found 3 stories for 免
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miǎn: exempt the son's mouth from the knife
by Touria

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For holding someone at knifepoint in the middle of the night, he must be punished. [Me 'n] my son are close, but he is not exempt from this valley.
by vms5q

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A criminal threatened the poor lady with his knife ⺈, saying, he must be except 免 from paying taxes because he is a middle-class 中 man!
by Poluo

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miǎn: exempt the son's mouth from the knife
by Touria

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For holding someone at knifepoint in the middle of the night, he must be punished. [Me 'n] my son are close, but he is not exempt from this valley.
by vms5q

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A criminal threatened the poor lady with his knife ⺈, saying, he must be except 免 from paying taxes because he is a middle-class 中 man!
by Poluo