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Found 6 stories for 分
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Let's divide this eight with a knife!
by coachpacman

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divide with Knife, up to Eight times
by yotam

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With a knife I <divide> the cake into 8 even <PARTS OR SUBDIVISIONS>. <FRACTIONS> are [fun]!
by vms5q

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We divideD the pizza into EIGHT pieces with a KNIFE.
by Veles

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it is (fun) to divide no. 8 with a knife!

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My grandpa divided his knife collection among the eight of us in his will.
by Gardisti

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With a knife I <divide> the cake into 8 even <PARTS OR SUBDIVISIONS>. <FRACTIONS> are [fun]!
by vms5q

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We divideD the pizza into EIGHT pieces with a KNIFE.
by Veles

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it is (fun) to divide no. 8 with a knife!

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Let's divide this eight with a knife!
by coachpacman

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My grandpa divided his knife collection among the eight of us in his will.
by Gardisti

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divide with Knife, up to Eight times
by yotam