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吃 is a 6 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as chī in the first tone.

In traditional Chinese the character may be used.

It is made up of the components (opening) and (beg).

  • chī


    • ㄎㄡ ˇ



    • ㄑㄧ ˇ


31 stories have been written about this character — see all
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I begged for food to eat but everyone put it in their own mouth.
by MLCVTash

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Once upon a time, a cruel mum forced her son to eat some brussel sprouts. He begged his mum not to eat it, but eventually gave in and opened his mouth
by MLCVEmilyM

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I begged him to open his mouth to eat the broccoli
by MLCVEmmaS

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A person opens their mouth to beg for food to eat because that person is vulnerable of food.
by MLCVNguyen

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The person is begging for food, keeping his mouth open.
by MLCVAmber

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We found 1 pronunciation for 吃

Definitions for 吃 pronounced as chī

  • to eat
  • to consume
  • to eat at (a cafeteria etc)
  • to eradicate
  • to destroy
  • to absorb
  • to suffer
  • to stammer (Taiwan pr. for this sense is [ji2])
  • variant of 吃[chi1]


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