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Found 3 stories for 告
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The cow opened its mouth to tell me something.
by djbbean

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And we all saw the cow climb the mountain to tell us what to do next. She announced that the C in cow will be now pronounced G. The Gow spoke.
by Sandmancesar

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While God <tell>s Moses the commandments, the people see their OPENING to worship a bi[g ou]tsized golden COW. Moses comes *down* and denounces them.
by vms5q

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While God <tell>s Moses the commandments, the people see their OPENING to worship a bi[g ou]tsized golden COW. Moses comes *down* and denounces them.
by vms5q

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And we all saw the cow climb the mountain to tell us what to do next. She announced that the C in cow will be now pronounced G. The Gow spoke.
by Sandmancesar

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The cow opened its mouth to tell me something.
by djbbean