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big brother
Found 3 stories for 哥
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Anh trai (哥) cõng em trai dưới ô, cùng chơi bóng rổ dưới trời nắng
by lkhalliera

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My <big brother> CAN lu[g u]mbrellas *across* this field twice as fast as you!
by vms5q

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Dīng-dōng! They ring a fourth time, someone's outside home. May it just be my big brother?
by scaccabarrozzi

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Anh trai (哥) cõng em trai dưới ô, cùng chơi bóng rổ dưới trời nắng
by lkhalliera

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My <big brother> CAN lu[g u]mbrellas *across* this field twice as fast as you!
by vms5q

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Dīng-dōng! They ring a fourth time, someone's outside home. May it just be my big brother?
by scaccabarrozzi