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Found 20 stories for 因
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something big is encapsulated in a cause
by joolean

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A lot of things can fit in the enclosure because it is so big.
by ljohnson48

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Have you s[een] the big cave person frozen [prostrate] in a block of ice? What do you suppose was the cause?
by vms5q

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Because something is big it is very hard to be enclosed
by connor0604

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The cause is generally big.
by pscanlan

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Someone with a big mouth causes problems.
by aramachandran2

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The man is so big that he causeS the enclosure to stretch out around him.
by csantry

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Because the enclosure is so big an object can fit inside.
by asala2018

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BEcause the ENCLOSURE is so BIG many things can fit inside.
by dosemobor915

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because he wanted to amaze the world the man escaped from the box
by pkulesh33

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If someone is big and he is in jail, then that person causes problems.
by tvb17

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because the enclosure is large something big can fit inside
by pls18

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Big mouth! You are always the cause.
by BobWebb

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Why is the enclosure so big? Because
by nbreck

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The enclosure is big because it is.
by dcloobeck

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flip middle upside down it looks like y
by cosemobor

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cause this enclosure is so big. THERE'S SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES!!!
by ThatOneAsianKid

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i earn money to get enclosure
by CLTCSamira

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Man can stretch both his hands cause the enclosure is really big.
by KokChuan

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Because he wanted to impress the people he made the enclosure big.
by sderby

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Have you s[een] the big cave person frozen [prostrate] in a block of ice? What do you suppose was the cause?
by vms5q

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Big mouth! You are always the cause.
by BobWebb

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something big is encapsulated in a cause
by joolean

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Man can stretch both his hands cause the enclosure is really big.
by KokChuan

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i earn money to get enclosure
by CLTCSamira

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cause this enclosure is so big. THERE'S SO MUCH ROOM FOR ACTIVITIES!!!
by ThatOneAsianKid

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flip middle upside down it looks like y
by cosemobor

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A lot of things can fit in the enclosure because it is so big.
by ljohnson48

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The enclosure is big because it is.
by dcloobeck

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Why is the enclosure so big? Because
by nbreck

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If someone is big and he is in jail, then that person causes problems.
by tvb17

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because the enclosure is large something big can fit inside
by pls18

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Because something is big it is very hard to be enclosed
by connor0604

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because he wanted to amaze the world the man escaped from the box
by pkulesh33

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BEcause the ENCLOSURE is so BIG many things can fit inside.
by dosemobor915

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Because the enclosure is so big an object can fit inside.
by asala2018

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The man is so big that he causeS the enclosure to stretch out around him.
by csantry

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Someone with a big mouth causes problems.
by aramachandran2

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The cause is generally big.
by pscanlan

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Because he wanted to impress the people he made the enclosure big.
by sderby