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Found 14 stories for 大
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A man making himself look big by opening his arms.
by csantry

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looks like a person showing how big something is
by dyoung

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A man stretching his arms to show his power.
by tshaver64

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A slave hand adds opening power for one big person to join hands and take all, bring back our land of the free Canadians! (story ref 加拿大, 拏)
by talk2dream

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standing up for someone takes big guts
by tt101

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A person raising the bar '1'is big.
by EloraK

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A bigger part of a normal person, ren.
by aramachandran2

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A person standing in a room trying to take up as much space as possible.
by asala2018

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A person trying to act big by stretching his arms out.
by dcloobeck

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The new kids at Brunswick were small but the school was very big.
by dosemobor99

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A person making himself seem bigger by extending his arms.
by ljohnson48

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the person grew bigger
by cosemobor

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someone is stretching their arms showing how big something was
by pls18

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With one person doing one thing you can make a big difference.
by connor0604

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A slave hand adds opening power for one big person to join hands and take all, bring back our land of the free Canadians! (story ref 加拿大, 拏)
by talk2dream

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standing up for someone takes big guts
by tt101

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A person raising the bar '1'is big.
by EloraK

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A bigger part of a normal person, ren.
by aramachandran2

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A person standing in a room trying to take up as much space as possible.
by asala2018

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A person trying to act big by stretching his arms out.
by dcloobeck

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The new kids at Brunswick were small but the school was very big.
by dosemobor99

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A person making himself seem bigger by extending his arms.
by ljohnson48

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looks like a person showing how big something is
by dyoung

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the person grew bigger
by cosemobor

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someone is stretching their arms showing how big something was
by pls18

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A man making himself look big by opening his arms.
by csantry

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A man stretching his arms to show his power.
by tshaver64

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With one person doing one thing you can make a big difference.
by connor0604