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Found 4 stories for 射
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cùn (soon) shè will shoot the bullet within an inch of his body - it will gather a lot of attenshēn
by Casper07x

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When he asks for my body 身 measurements in inches 寸, I shoot him down and [shu]t the door.
by vms5q

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Before he shot the arrow, he held his thumb on the body of the bow.
by adjimjaglo

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trước khi bắn tên, người ta cầm vào thân cung tên và đặt tên tựa vào ngón cái
by huiheruan

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When he asks for my body 身 measurements in inches 寸, I shoot him down and [shu]t the door.
by vms5q

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cùn (soon) shè will shoot the bullet within an inch of his body - it will gather a lot of attenshēn
by Casper07x

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trước khi bắn tên, người ta cầm vào thân cung tên và đặt tên tựa vào ngón cái
by huiheruan

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Before he shot the arrow, he held his thumb on the body of the bow.
by adjimjaglo