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Found 9 stories for 房
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"户 (door) and 方 (square) Trong nhà (房), cửa (户) mở ra các phòng (方) vuông đặt kề nhau"
by lkhalliera

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Charlie just bought the SQUARE <house> with the red DOOR and roo[f on g]ood credit.
by vms5q

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The square shaped dog house includes a small door
by dsharp1211

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The mysterious house had a square shaped door
by King

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As I walked down the street to my square house I saw the door was open.
by King-Aragorn

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the door was at the front of a square that i live in.
by DarudeSandstrom

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The door leads to the square for the house
by Dmoney

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This character has no real story, it's just a house.
by Yolo360SwagScope_420Blazin

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The square shaped building has a door, it is known as a house.
by rfgatoloai1124

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"户 (door) and 方 (square) Trong nhà (房), cửa (户) mở ra các phòng (方) vuông đặt kề nhau"
by lkhalliera

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Charlie just bought the SQUARE <house> with the red DOOR and roo[f on g]ood credit.
by vms5q

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The square shaped dog house includes a small door
by dsharp1211

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The mysterious house had a square shaped door
by King

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As I walked down the street to my square house I saw the door was open.
by King-Aragorn

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the door was at the front of a square that i live in.
by DarudeSandstrom

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The door leads to the square for the house
by Dmoney

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This character has no real story, it's just a house.
by Yolo360SwagScope_420Blazin

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The square shaped building has a door, it is known as a house.
by rfgatoloai1124