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Found 22 stories for 是
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STOP the sun is out
by rayanhassan8B

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I need to stop looking into the sun because it is burning my eyes
by CLTCyaseminearifoski

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I needed to stop eating the sun because the eating sun is weird and it burns my mouth
by CLTCAlicia

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I stop to see if the sun is sunny
by CLTCOktay

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is it bad to stop the sun shining while eating corn flakes for cereal
by CLTCpaul

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Stop and watch. The sun is dancing.
by CLTCGizelleTaylor

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is eating SUN healthy?? or nah
by CLTCIsmahan

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Shu(r) is blue
by Debrawinograd

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when you walk in the room time stops
by CLTCSamira

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This is the best time for the sun to explode and stop time.
by CLTCpaije

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You should stop to see the sun but be warned it is bright
by CLTCAndrew

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the sun is not out
by cltcadna

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stop wait a minute is that the sun at night time
by cltcumayr

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The sun can't be stopped because it's too hot
by CLTCDavid

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Stop the sun is one with space
by Bli33y

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wow the sun has to stop ,it is always shining at me so bright
by Cltckaltoum

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con người đang ngắm nhìn mặt trời xuống núi (cảnh hoàng hôn)
by huiheruan

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Người thì ở dưới mặt trời
by manhhakcqt

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Stop. Look up. That is the sun.
by makhp

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That person - shì is below the sun
by Casper07x

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stop it! one sun is enough.
by spectral

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is the sun going to stop
by CLTCMichaelHawley

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Shu(r) is blue
by Debrawinograd

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Stop the sun is one with space
by Bli33y

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stop it! one sun is enough.
by spectral

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That person - shì is below the sun
by Casper07x

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Stop. Look up. That is the sun.
by makhp

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Người thì ở dưới mặt trời
by manhhakcqt

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con người đang ngắm nhìn mặt trời xuống núi (cảnh hoàng hôn)
by huiheruan

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STOP the sun is out
by rayanhassan8B

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wow the sun has to stop ,it is always shining at me so bright
by Cltckaltoum

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is it bad to stop the sun shining while eating corn flakes for cereal
by CLTCpaul

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Stop and watch. The sun is dancing.
by CLTCGizelleTaylor

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stop wait a minute is that the sun at night time
by cltcumayr

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The sun can't be stopped because it's too hot
by CLTCDavid

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when you walk in the room time stops
by CLTCSamira

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is eating SUN healthy?? or nah
by CLTCIsmahan

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I stop to see if the sun is sunny
by CLTCOktay

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I need to stop looking into the sun because it is burning my eyes
by CLTCyaseminearifoski

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I needed to stop eating the sun because the eating sun is weird and it burns my mouth
by CLTCAlicia

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the sun is not out
by cltcadna

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You should stop to see the sun but be warned it is bright
by CLTCAndrew

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This is the best time for the sun to explode and stop time.
by CLTCpaije

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is the sun going to stop
by CLTCMichaelHawley