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Found 3 stories for 欽
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You have respect for people who give you money they owe
by oogabooga

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Thà thiếu (欠 : khiếm) tiền (金 : vàng) chứ không thiếu sự kính trọng (欽 : khâm).
by detuchantu

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Nghìn vàng có thiếu chi đâu
by MoDungPhuc

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You have respect for people who give you money they owe
by oogabooga

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Thà thiếu (欠 : khiếm) tiền (金 : vàng) chứ không thiếu sự kính trọng (欽 : khâm).
by detuchantu

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Nghìn vàng có thiếu chi đâu
by MoDungPhuc