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Found 4 stories for 特
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What a special temple I see! It's for cows!
by martinchen

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In India, cows are special animals that are treated like walking temples.
by rollredcat

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Cows, *down* to the last one, are considered no[ta]bly special in India, as holy as temples.
by vms5q

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Подношение коровы в особенный случай
by Alex

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Cows, *down* to the last one, are considered no[ta]bly special in India, as holy as temples.
by vms5q

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Подношение коровы в особенный случай
by Alex

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In India, cows are special animals that are treated like walking temples.
by rollredcat

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What a special temple I see! It's for cows!
by martinchen