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Found 3 stories for 疒
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This character is made from the components 冫and 广。
by superbatspider

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My Na[na]'s WIDE forehead is ICE cold. She's fallen ill with the <SICK>ness!
by vms5q

US Flag User Thumbnail

When character is turned counter clockwise, it resembles a stretcher for the people with sickness to stay on.
by Prismcool

US Flag User Thumbnail

When character is turned counter clockwise, it resembles a stretcher for the people with sickness to stay on.
by Prismcool

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My Na[na]'s WIDE forehead is ICE cold. She's fallen ill with the <SICK>ness!
by vms5q

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This character is made from the components 冫and 广。
by superbatspider