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Found 6 stories for 窗
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A Chimney raises out of the cave to see the sky.
by rfgatoloai1124

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The living room has a CHIMNEY, but no <window>s. "Don[chu wan' g]ood light in here? It feels like a CAVE!" she says.
by vms5q

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I put a chimney in my cave so that I could have a window to see the stars.
by KittyL2

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As I stare out the window I think of a cave with a chiminy.
by King-Aragorn

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There's a cave in my chimney. Why? Because it's a friggin' window.
by PurpleWaterBottle

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I could not afford a window because of the chimney I placed in my cave.
by ThatOneAsianKid

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The living room has a CHIMNEY, but no <window>s. "Don[chu wan' g]ood light in here? It feels like a CAVE!" she says.
by vms5q

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I put a chimney in my cave so that I could have a window to see the stars.
by KittyL2

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As I stare out the window I think of a cave with a chiminy.
by King-Aragorn

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A Chimney raises out of the cave to see the sky.
by rfgatoloai1124

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There's a cave in my chimney. Why? Because it's a friggin' window.
by PurpleWaterBottle

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I could not afford a window because of the chimney I placed in my cave.
by ThatOneAsianKid