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Found 3 stories for 節
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At a [festival], if I smell BAMBOO shoots cooking, I worry they'll run out, so my strate[gy e]very time is to IMMEDIATELY get *up* and get in line.
by vms5q

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After the festival of kung-fu pandas, the fierce panda warriors immediately descended back into the bamboo forest to continue their training.
by rollredcat

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I immediately eat bamboo at the festival.
by CLTCRayan8A

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At a [festival], if I smell BAMBOO shoots cooking, I worry they'll run out, so my strate[gy e]very time is to IMMEDIATELY get *up* and get in line.
by vms5q

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After the festival of kung-fu pandas, the fierce panda warriors immediately descended back into the bamboo forest to continue their training.
by rollredcat

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I immediately eat bamboo at the festival.
by CLTCRayan8A