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Found 4 stories for 行
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You GO when you STEP several SMALL STEPS.
by hoang249

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Adopting a pet's a huge STEP, especially for someone with bad allergies, so it's not something Charlie was ru*shing* to <GO> <DO>.
by vms5q

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to go somewhere you need to do small and big steps
by jena

AU Flag User Thumbnail

To go/do a journey of a 1000 miles, starts with one SMALL STEP.
by BobWebb

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Adopting a pet's a huge STEP, especially for someone with bad allergies, so it's not something Charlie was ru*shing* to <GO> <DO>.
by vms5q

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to go somewhere you need to do small and big steps
by jena

AU Flag User Thumbnail

To go/do a journey of a 1000 miles, starts with one SMALL STEP.
by BobWebb

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You GO when you STEP several SMALL STEPS.
by hoang249