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Found 3 stories for 解
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Using a knife (刀)to cut the horn(角)of a cow (牛)to release (解)it.
by TalkingTrash

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Wanting to <solve> the puzzle of why the BEEF was hard to chew, we asked Mike. Next time, he said, ANGLE the KNIFE against the grain.
by vms5q

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how does one move a cow a different angle? you poke it with a knife
by joolean

MY Flag User Thumbnail

Using a knife (刀)to cut the horn(角)of a cow (牛)to release (解)it.
by TalkingTrash

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Wanting to <solve> the puzzle of why the BEEF was hard to chew, we asked Mike. Next time, he said, ANGLE the KNIFE against the grain.
by vms5q

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how does one move a cow a different angle? you poke it with a knife
by joolean