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Found 3 stories for 貓
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A cat 猫 is a four-legged animal 犭 that ensures seeds sprout 苗 rather than get eaten by mice's [mou]ths. (Also, "māo" resembles "miáo.")
by vms5q

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which one is more alike Māo the one on the left or the one on the right?
by RichardSedinkinas

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The cat on the left likes to eat bean sprouts.
by rollredcat

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A cat 猫 is a four-legged animal 犭 that ensures seeds sprout 苗 rather than get eaten by mice's [mou]ths. (Also, "māo" resembles "miáo.")
by vms5q

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which one is more alike Māo the one on the left or the one on the right?
by RichardSedinkinas

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The cat on the left likes to eat bean sprouts.
by rollredcat