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Found 3 stories for 辛
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Standing up ten times is bitter hard work. It makes you very hot.
by sleepmere

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Cooking sheep in a bowl closed by a lit make taste it bitter
by jasche

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After TEN hours STANDing with heaven *cross* his shoulders, <pungent> with sweat, a [sheen] cross his brow, Atlas cursed this <INSUFFERABLE> labor.
by vms5q

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After TEN hours STANDing with heaven *cross* his shoulders, <pungent> with sweat, a [sheen] cross his brow, Atlas cursed this <INSUFFERABLE> labor.
by vms5q

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Standing up ten times is bitter hard work. It makes you very hot.
by sleepmere

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Cooking sheep in a bowl closed by a lit make taste it bitter
by jasche