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Found 12 stories for 食
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there is a limit to how much food a person can eat
by jilly

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A person who doesn't have a limit in food will gain weight.
by CLTCLily

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Mahad likes to eat food and the limit of chicken for each person is not enough
by CLTCErik

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A person who eats food without a limit, is the type of people I want to hang out with.
by CLTCJamil

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Charlie's friends GATHER outside to cook <food> and look at the eclipse, even though the air [shi] is ICY cold in their NOSEs!
by vms5q

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Even if food is healthy there should be a limit to what a person can eat
by CLTCEden

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The only food I eat is chicken because that's the person I am.
by CLTCmazahad

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There's a limit to the amount of food a person should eat
by ClTCMegan

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I limit myself how much food I eat around a person
by cltcAlexander

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the person has a limit of how much food he should eat

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Every person has a limit towards how much he can eat
by CLTCwilliamarrowsmith

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One person has no limit when he consumes food.
by CLTCMatthewD

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Charlie's friends GATHER outside to cook <food> and look at the eclipse, even though the air [shi] is ICY cold in their NOSEs!
by vms5q

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there is a limit to how much food a person can eat
by jilly

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A person who doesn't have a limit in food will gain weight.
by CLTCLily

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Even if food is healthy there should be a limit to what a person can eat
by CLTCEden

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The only food I eat is chicken because that's the person I am.
by CLTCmazahad

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Mahad likes to eat food and the limit of chicken for each person is not enough
by CLTCErik

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There's a limit to the amount of food a person should eat
by ClTCMegan

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I limit myself how much food I eat around a person
by cltcAlexander

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the person has a limit of how much food he should eat

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Every person has a limit towards how much he can eat
by CLTCwilliamarrowsmith

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One person has no limit when he consumes food.
by CLTCMatthewD

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A person who eats food without a limit, is the type of people I want to hang out with.
by CLTCJamil