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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 133 – 144 of 1182 stories next page

句 sentence

When John OPENs his MOUTH to propose, he can't finish his <sentence>. Megan [ju]bilantly WRAPs her arms around him and says yes.
by vms5q

絡 web

Megan <WIND>s and <TWIST>s each thread of SILK to form a <web> of lace that she'll g[lue o]ver the hat.
by vms5q

詐 to cheat

"If you're talking on the phone and your partner's WORDS and tone change ABRUPTLY, they may be <CHEAT>ing on you," [Jo]hn explained to Megan's friend.
by vms5q

欺 deceive

"I wat[ch e]nough TV to know that THAT man telling me I OWE taxes is just trying to <deceive> me," says Laura.
by vms5q

騙 cheat

"That trainer <cheat>ed and gave the HORSE steroids so he'd win the FLAT race!" whispered Megan to John, [pian]issimo.
by vms5q

窗 window

The living room has a CHIMNEY, but no <window>s. "Don[chu wan' g]ood light in here? It feels like a CAVE!" she says.
by vms5q

囱 chimney

"The sleigh has i[ts own g]ood harnesses for securing Santa as he MARCHes across the roof toward the chimney," explains Julia.
by vms5q

羞 shy

Laura acts SHEEPish if others act like she's FOOLish, but [she o]nly seems <shy> on rare occasions.
by vms5q

臉 face

Anne and Mike GATHER friends to eat barbecued MEAT MONTH[ly an]d get sauce on their <face>s every time.
by vms5q