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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 109 – 120 of 1182 stories next page

空 empty

Laura's WORKs in a shop that feels like an <empty> CAVE, with everything needed to make an ice cream [cone g]ood.
by vms5q

糟 ruined/bad

Mr. CAO's RICE cake's <RUINED> from being out in the SUN. The ki[ds ou]tside refuse it. "It's as dry as GRASS," says Julia, BENDing it.
by vms5q

容 contents

"The VALLEY <CONTAIN>s many ROOFers already. When you show up, they won't <TOLERATE> it. Give up the idea. It's for you[r own g]ood," said Charlie.
by vms5q

舌 tongue

Charlie draws Medusa with a THOUSAND mali[ciou]s snakes sticking up out of her head, each MOUTH sticking out its <tongue>.
by vms5q

堵 walls/clog

Anne, always a self-sufficient PERSON, <CLOGs> the <WALL>'s holes with SOIL. After [do]ing this [du]ty, she curls up in a [du]vet.
by vms5q

噴 spray

Opening the oyster SHELLs, Laura's reminded of sea GRASS, ocean <spray>, and the dee[p un]ending ocean.
by vms5q