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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 589 – 600 of 1182 stories next page

僕 servant

In a past life, *Charlie* was a <servant> but felt [poo]-poo about it and decided to start an EIGHT-PERSON SHEEP BUSINESS instead.
by vms5q

律 law

John's bedtime routine from night to night is rigid[ly u]niform. If he BRUSHes his teeth a STEP too early, he feels he's broken a <law>.
by vms5q

牢 prison

Putting a COW *up* on the ROOF wasn't al[low]ed, but no one went to <prison> for it. I wonder if Charlie did any pranks I don't know about.
by vms5q

隹 sparrow

"You didn't know <sparrow>s RESIDE in our neighborhood right alongside PERSONs, did [zhu? Way] cool, right?" Laura asks.
by vms5q

离 leave

*Charlie* *lifts* the LID, *lifts* the FIERCE tiger in his ARMs, sets it free, & PRIVATE[ly] sends *up* a prayer that the tiger will <leave>.
by vms5q

願 wish

Our FORMER "Schreiber" ancestors must've put pen to PAGE. John, [you 'n] Megan will likely fulfill someone's <wish> that the name be passed *down*.
by vms5q

原 former

*Charlie*, like [you, en]joyed a good deal. In <former> days, one of his <ORIGINAL> cars was a SMALL WHITE Sentra - used, not <FACTORY> new.
by vms5q

實 real

Dad PIERCEd the ROOF & installed a skylight w/ <SOLID> wood supports. <FRUIT> [shi] doesn't fall far from the tree. *Charlie* was <realLY> handy, too.
by vms5q

神 god

I look for SIGNs that might be an EXPRESS[ion] of *Charlie*'s <SPIRIT> of the next best step to take.
by vms5q