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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 613 – 624 of 1182 stories next page

胖 fat

Even HALF a MOONcake has a lot of <fat>. Jum[p on g]reat big trampolines to work *down* those calories.
by vms5q

干 do/work

Take a [gan]der at the SCHOLAR meditating in *down*ward dog position. She says it helps her <DO> her best <WORK>.
by vms5q

裏 inside

To go <inside> that church, modest CLOTHES are required. To sneak in, quiet[ly] go *down* that set of steps and *up* the next.
by vms5q

隸 slave

The <SCRIBE> SHOWs me royal lineage winding *down* the family TREE to me, an e[slave]d person. I hard[ly] believe I'm <ATTACH>ed to royalty.
by vms5q

移 shift/move

It took me MAN[Y] hours for the mice to <SHIFT> the pile of GRAINs *up* the hill. "[Eee]," squeaked one. "Now my limbs are sore!"
by vms5q

枪 gun

I will protect that WOODen STOREHOUSE *over there*. Do you have a <gun OR OTHER WEAPONS>? Safety in this area is sket[chy on g]ood days.
by vms5q

爪 claw

Here's knowle[dge you ou]ght to have: The knowle[dge ow]ls have is vast. They know how to swoop *down and up* again with prey in their <claw>s.
by vms5q

沙 sand

I thought the beach would be a FEW grains of <sand>, but it takes forever to cross it and reach the WATER. I'm [sho]cked!
by vms5q