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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 685 – 696 of 1182 stories next page

青 blue/green

The moss GROWing *on the ground* looks <blue/green> in the MOONlight. The <YOUNG> people stand on it, mun[ching] on chips.
by vms5q

吻 kiss

"I'll give you [one] <kiss> on the MOUTH," I say, *nodding my head down and up.* "But DO NOT tell any[one]!"
by vms5q

辦 manage

Though [ban]ished to an INSUFFERABLY PUNGENT place, I harness a higher POWER and <GO ABOUT> my business <manage>ing everything that *befalls* me!
by vms5q

形 shape

At the show's OPENING, critics are gu[shing] about my PAINTings, especially hyping *up* my use of geometric <shape>s.
by vms5q

招 beckon

I wave my HAND, <beckon>ing her to *cross* the street and join us, but once she's SUMMONed over, her verbal [jou]sting annoys us.
by vms5q

待 treat/deal

Before [dy]ing, <INTEND>ing to show how to <TREAT> others with humility, he gets *down* and washes desert-STEPping feet. TEMPLEs adopt this practice.
by vms5q

睛 eyeball

"*Look me in the EYEs.* Wouldn't you say they're BLUE-GREEN?" I ask, opening my eyes so wide they're bul[ging].*
by vms5q

田 field

In the list of state abbreviations, I look *up* "[TN]," wanting to know how property LINES divide Tennessee EARTH into <field>s.
by vms5q

署 office

To start my own [shoe] store, I go to a banker's <office> and *scoop* up a pen and <SIGN> a contract under another PERSON's watchful EYE.
by vms5q