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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 661 – 672 of 1182 stories next page

具 tool

For a PLATE OF FOUR PANCAKES and [ju]ice, I'll plunk down EIGHT bucks, according to my phone. It really is a great <tool>.
by vms5q

寫 write

She was feeling *down* but cheered *up* while <write>ing the book and designing the COVER. [She e]njoys writing. It makes her feel on FIRE!
by vms5q

加 add

I <add> an electric-POWERed toothbrush to my MOUTH-cleaning state[gy. A]ll the teeth *across* my gumline benefit.
by vms5q

員 employee

There's an OPENing for <employee>s who can pry OPEN SHELLs with their teeth. If [you en]joy that, step right *up*!
by vms5q