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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 649 – 660 of 1182 stories next page

薯 potato

After *crossing* the GRASSy *valley*, we wipe our [shoe]s on the mat and head into the OFFICE. We discuss *fluctuate*ing <potato> prices.
by vms5q

箱 box

I'm as knowledgable as [she on g]ood sustainable materials. We MUTUALLY agree that BAMBOO's best for this <box>.
by vms5q

蝦 shrimp

"Remove the <shrimp>'s INSECT-like shell and try it. You'll reach for it AGAIN * again!" says the chef as [she o]perates the steamer *on the counter.*
by vms5q

簡 simple

See the baby panda with the BAMBOO BETWEEN her teeth? She lives a <simple> life, investing her ener[gy in] rolling *down*hill and climbing back *up*.
by vms5q

功 achievement

Does the bigwi[g own g]rand estates? Yes, through hard WORK and business <achievements> she gained POWER and money and now has many grand estates.
by vms5q

忙 busy

The HEARTless war[mong]ers are always <busy> dreaming *up* ways to send their enemies to their DEATHs.
by vms5q

忘 forget

Even after he's DECEASED, I feel the imprint he put *down* on my HEART, s[o on g]ood days, I allow myself to <forget> my sadness and smile.
by vms5q

兆 omen

Elsa sees the ICE in her SON's hair as an <omen>: she's passed her power *down* to him. Like her, he'll bri[dge ou]tdoor natural life with human life.
by vms5q