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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 997 – 1008 of 1182 stories next page

虎 tiger

[Who] sees the tiger sitting in the shade of the overhang, tail twitching down and up? "tiger" starts with T and ends with R.
by vms5q

受 receive

At the award [show], when I'm called down to the front to receive the award again, I cover my face with my hand.
by vms5q

做 make/do

There are many incidents of studen[ts' wa]llets getting stolen. The person doing (make/do) it has not been caught yet.
by vms5q

音 sound

Standing 立 in the sun 日 all day sounds terrible. I’d get my umpt[een]th heat exhaustion headache and lie in bed the rest of the day.
by vms5q