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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 1009 – 1020 of 1182 stories next page

見 meet

When I first look down and meet my son 儿, to myself I think, he’s the cutest baby I’ve ever set eyes 目 on, with cheeks so pud[gy ‘n] pink.
by vms5q

洗 wash

First [she] submerges the dishes in water and lets them soak. Then she lifts them out and washes them.
by vms5q

情 feeling

While I was wat[ching] blue-green 青 moss growing up in moonlight, my heart 忄 lifted. It was an amazing feeling.
by vms5q

尸 corpse

It [shi] isn’t easy to cut wood in straight lines, but it’s important - in this box will lie the corpse of a victim of smallpox.
by vms5q

幾 how many

“Gee, how many tiny 幺 halberds 戈 does one person 人 need?” I think, scooping up and setting almost all of them on the table.
by vms5q

掃 sweep

The [sow] sniffs around my house before resting on towels (nose/roof/towels). My hand moving a broomstick in a scooping motion, I sweep up her mess.
by vms5q

打 hit

I find sports [da]unting, but holding the hockey stick in my hand, I made a scooping motion, and hit the ball into the goal.
by vms5q

託 entrust

I depend on and entrust my paintings [to ow]ners of the gallery. Trusting what they tell me, I extend my hand, and we shake on it.
by vms5q