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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 985 – 996 of 1182 stories next page

瑾 brilliancy

In their coronation, the two rulers release twenty brilliant lanterns in the valley. Can you ima[gin]e how beautiful that must've been?
by vms5q

貓 cat

A cat 猫 is a four-legged animal 犭 that ensures seeds sprout 苗 rather than get eaten by mice's [mou]ths. (Also, "māo" resembles "miáo.")
by vms5q

者 person

Ten suns leave the Valley of Light, together scorching the earth. For shooting at them, the god Yi is forced to live [ju]st a person, sans mirth.
by vms5q

始 begin

At first, the woman on the platform feels weighed down by the pre[ssure] to speak about her private life, but after she begins, the weight is lifted.
by vms5q

跑 run

While running in the valley, pow! Something hits my foot. I stop and wrap it, down and up, with a bandage.
by vms5q

誰 who

It was Thoreau who said the words “The first sparrow of spring!” I had to look it up, I'm a[sha]med to say.
by vms5q

乃 thus

The mother scoops up and nurses the baby from her breasts that produce milk day and [ni]ght. thus the baby thrives.
by vms5q