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Found 4 stories for 亲
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My relatives stand in rank.
by djbbean

US Flag User Thumbnail

The top half of 亲,"立", resembles a chin. The bottom half of the character is 小. Remember that your relatives have small chins.
by Funny翻译人

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My intimate friends know where they STAND with me, even if I did make my scrun[chy-n]ose face at them all the time when I was SMALL.
by vms5q

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My intimates stand in rank
by 华语

US Flag User Thumbnail

The top half of 亲,"立", resembles a chin. The bottom half of the character is 小. Remember that your relatives have small chins.
by Funny翻译人

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My intimate friends know where they STAND with me, even if I did make my scrun[chy-n]ose face at them all the time when I was SMALL.
by vms5q

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My intimates stand in rank
by 华语

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My relatives stand in rank.
by djbbean