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Found 7 stories for 别
US Flag User Thumbnail

Не хочу другой нож.
by terahdixon

User Thumbnail

don't stab others with a knife
by 华语

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I used this Knife to stab ANOTHER.
by rparent62

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Отделить силой, но разделить ножом
by Alex

User Thumbnail

I think it just is "another knife"
by Huy336605

User Thumbnail

Another cut himself off with a knife to leave.
by martinchen

User Thumbnail

I don't like to use my other knife, the one with the blood-encrusted handle.
by rollredcat

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Отделить силой, но разделить ножом
by Alex

US Flag User Thumbnail

Не хочу другой нож.
by terahdixon

User Thumbnail

I think it just is "another knife"
by Huy336605

User Thumbnail

don't stab others with a knife
by 华语

User Thumbnail

I don't like to use my other knife, the one with the blood-encrusted handle.
by rollredcat

User Thumbnail

I used this Knife to stab ANOTHER.
by rparent62

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Another cut himself off with a knife to leave.
by martinchen