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Found 18 stories for 家
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the pig is under a roof, which makes it a home
by pls18

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When I am at my house I cook bacon that comes from a pig
by freya

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The pig lives in his house, under the roof.
by tshaver64

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The pig is under the house's roof.
by dcloobeck

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Under a roof is a pigs home
by connor0604

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the pig lives under a roof, which is his house
by nbreck

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I am going home after sports.
by cosemobor

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the pig is under the roof of his home
by pkulesh33

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A home is a pig under the roof
by yanglaoshi

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Gia (jiā) has a pig under the roof of her home.
by Casper07x

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When it is raining outside the pigs go inside to their home.
by asala2018

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Pigs live in pig houses with roofs over their heads.
by csantry

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A pig under a roof is in his house.
by tvb17

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The house has a roof.
by pscanlan

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Pork chops, bacon, and other foods from pigs is what makes my house a home.
by Sprigit

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"Pigs under the roof make house " 「屋頂下有豬,就變成一個家」
by bryanpalau

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The pigs home is under the roof.
by dosemobor915

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In my home, the only pig under my roof is bacon.
by rollredcat

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When I am at my house I cook bacon that comes from a pig
by freya

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Gia (jiā) has a pig under the roof of her home.
by Casper07x

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"Pigs under the roof make house " 「屋頂下有豬,就變成一個家」
by bryanpalau

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Pork chops, bacon, and other foods from pigs is what makes my house a home.
by Sprigit

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In my home, the only pig under my roof is bacon.
by rollredcat

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The house has a roof.
by pscanlan

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A pig under a roof is in his house.
by tvb17

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Pigs live in pig houses with roofs over their heads.
by csantry

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When it is raining outside the pigs go inside to their home.
by asala2018

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A home is a pig under the roof
by yanglaoshi

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The pig lives in his house, under the roof.
by tshaver64

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the pig is under the roof of his home
by pkulesh33

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the pig is under a roof, which makes it a home
by pls18

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I am going home after sports.
by cosemobor

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the pig lives under a roof, which is his house
by nbreck

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Under a roof is a pigs home
by connor0604

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The pig is under the house's roof.
by dcloobeck

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The pigs home is under the roof.
by dosemobor915