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ㄉㄧ ˋ

little bro.

弟 is a 7 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as in the fourth tone, however it can also be pronounced as .

  • ㄉㄧ ˋ

    little bro.

    • ㄅㄚ


    • 𢎨

      • ㄉㄧㄠ ˋ


        a string of 100 cash

3 stories have been written about this character — see all
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My eight year old younger brother is always making excuses, what a dimwit.
by John_Lam

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When my <LITTLE BROTHER> John turned EIGHT, we gave him a STRING OF 100 CASH. He was [de]lighted.
by vms5q

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Bé trai (弟) 8 tuổi với 2 sừng trâu đu cột 3 vòng, suýt ngã bay chim
by lkhalliera

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We found 2 pronunciations for 弟

Definitions for 弟 pronounced as dì

  • younger brother
  • junior male
  • I (modest word in letter)

Definitions for 弟 pronounced as tì

  • variant of 悌[ti4]


The most common words for 弟 — see all

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Collections which contain 弟 — see all

Characters 201-400

by Joeyjoefro 200 characters

Lição 2

by Chihyu1008 16 characters

VCE Chinese SL

by WillBaum 505 characters

Lesson 2

by bensmithperez 28 characters

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