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Found 4 stories for 忙
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A busy mind is the symptom of a dead heart.
by rollredcat

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The HEARTless war[mong]ers are always <busy> dreaming *up* ways to send their enemies to their DEATHs.
by vms5q

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Beacuse they were busy, their hearts began to decease.
by Ceruleanlotus

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he was soo busy that his heart was deceased
by Neslyn

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The HEARTless war[mong]ers are always <busy> dreaming *up* ways to send their enemies to their DEATHs.
by vms5q

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Beacuse they were busy, their hearts began to decease.
by Ceruleanlotus

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he was soo busy that his heart was deceased
by Neslyn

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A busy mind is the symptom of a dead heart.
by rollredcat