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ㄆㄥ ˊ



朋 is an 8 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as péng in the second tone.

  • ㄆㄥ ˊ



    • ㄩㄝ ˋ



14 stories have been written about this character — see all
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companion's enjoy looking at the moon together
by eastlyn

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Two flesh's
by connor0604

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Friends shine out of the darkness like a super bright moon.
by aramachandran2

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Looking at the moon with your companion
by ljohnson48

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Two friend's looking at the moon
by dosemobor915

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We found 1 pronunciation for 朋

Definitions for 朋 pronounced as péng

  • friend


The most common words for 朋 — see all

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Collections which contain 朋 — see all

HSK1 part 1

by monicadepaul 162 characters

Genshin Impact Act 1 Vocabulary

by Poluo 748 characters

Studying To 7

by Joeyjoefro 101 characters

Characters 201-400

by Joeyjoefro 200 characters

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