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Found 4 stories for 沙
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沙 Sa : cát. 氵= 水 thuỷ : nước; 少 thiểu : ít. Chỗ nước cạn(ít) thì cát lộ ra
by MoDungPhuc

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I thought the beach would be a FEW grains of <sand>, but it takes forever to cross it and reach the WATER. I'm [sho]cked!
by vms5q

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Just a few feet away from the water, is where you will find the sand.
by Sprigit

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Chỗ nước (氵= 水 : thuỷ) ít (少 : thiểu) thì cát (沙 : sa) sẽ lộ ra.
by detuchantu

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I thought the beach would be a FEW grains of <sand>, but it takes forever to cross it and reach the WATER. I'm [sho]cked!
by vms5q

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Just a few feet away from the water, is where you will find the sand.
by Sprigit

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Chỗ nước (氵= 水 : thuỷ) ít (少 : thiểu) thì cát (沙 : sa) sẽ lộ ra.
by detuchantu

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沙 Sa : cát. 氵= 水 thuỷ : nước; 少 thiểu : ít. Chỗ nước cạn(ít) thì cát lộ ra
by MoDungPhuc